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Sixth Form Open Evening

We are pleased to invite Year 11 students and their parents/carers to our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 16 November. The sixth form at Manor School has benefited from significant investment in leadership and facilities over the past few years, and we are extremely proud of the rapidly improving outcomes and destinations.

There will be two presentations - one starting at 4:45pm and the second starting at 6:00pm. Following this, you will be able to visit the subject information fair where members of staff and current sixth form students will be on hand to answer any questions you might have. Please click here to book your place.

Information about the subjects we offer will be available on the evening, via the subject stands, as well as via the school website.

Sixth form entry requirements

To study in the sixth form, students need to achieve a minimum of 5 GCSE or BTEC qualifications at grade 4 or higher. We also expect students to achieve at least a grade 4 in English and maths.

Application timeline

Please click here for our application form.

In students’ Work.World.Wellness lessons, staff have been supporting them to make decisions and applications where appropriate. The deadline for applications is not until January 12 to ensure students can make informed decisions following their trial examinations.

We hope you find the subject information events useful and give you an insight into what students can expect in the sixth form. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.