REQM Gold Award

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Remote learning during school closure 1 Mar 2023

The resources on this page are for students in Year 7 to 10 for the school closure on Wednesday 1 March 2023.
Students should check their calendars in Teams to access live lessons as per their normal school timetable. If there is not a lesson in their calendar, they should access the resources below.
Please note that this work has been centrally, by Senior Leaders, with the intention of providing a baseline piece of work for every student. Due to the nature of industrial action, it is not possible for teaching staff who are participating in action to plan work for their specific groups. Therefore, please be aware that there may be some elements of the tasks below that students have not studied yet so the work can be treated as pre-learning, and there may be other elements that have already been covered in lessons and so should be treated as retrieval.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

English: Viewpoint writing
Complete this lesson
English: Poetry
Complete this lesson
English: Short story
Complete this lesson
English: Technical accuracy in writing
Take the unit quiz and then complete the lessons where you have gaps in your knowledge
Maths: Factors and primes
Complete this lesson
Maths: Forming and solving linear equations
Complete this lesson
Maths: Area of rectilinear shapes
Complete this lesson
Maths: Divide a quantity in a given ratio
Complete this lesson

Science: Comparing animal and plant cells
Watch this video
Exit quiz
Exit quiz answers

Science: Plants as food
Watch this video
Science: Inheritance
Watch this video
Science: Cell biology
Follow these instructions