Our Manor 27 November - 1 December 2023

Welcome to this week's newsletter

Dear familes,

This week has been all about starting the season of good will with a reminder about gratitude. Mr Bateman has been running assemblies based on this theme, during which the students have each written a postcard thanking a member of staff, describing what they are grateful to them for. How wonderful and motivational to have a thousand thankful messages shared with staff this week. This sharing of gratitude is a deliberate practice for training our brain’s reticular activating system. When we practice gratitude, our reticular activating system begins to filter and prioritise positive experiences, leading to an increased sense of happiness and fulfilment. In short being grateful makes us think more about it and see it around us more often, which in turn supports mental health and our outlook on life.

To see a short video explaining the RAS, click here.

Mr Bateman has also launched the Manor School Kindness Advent Calendar. Each tutor group is challenged with completing each of the acts of kindness leading up to the end of term. Please encourage your whole family to take part at home, or use the broader Action for Happiness version.

A huge well done to Olivia for being the first student to reach her Silver REACH award. We now also have 26 students who have gained Bronze. Please encourage your child to do their best and earn those REACH points. It helps you to know they are investing in themselves and their future and it makes it even easier to be proud of them. Please set your child a challenge for the week to gain a specific number of REACH points. It makes them goal orientated, helps boost self-esteem and reinforces hard work - all good things to chat about over dinner, in the car on a journey or to tell generous grandparents/aunties/uncles or family friends.

Olivia E (Year 8), our first silver REACH award recipient this academic year

Have a lovely week and remember to book in to Parent Surgeries on Friday at 10:30am if you want to share ideas, thoughts or concerns to improve the school over a cup of tea in a civilised small group setting.

Dr Newman and the Manor School family

Progress reports

A reminder that progress reports were sent out last week. If you have not already watched the linked video, please do watch as it explains in detail the data included on the reports and what it represents.

If you have queries about your child's report, please contact your child's form tutor or class teacher in the first case. Remember that all staff email addresses can be found on our website under Contact Us.

In order to support your child's attainment and progress we encourage parents/carers to:

  1. Check their child's progress on Tassomai
  2. Ensure that their child is completing the homework assignments set via Arbor in the 'assignments that are due' section
  3. Support and encourage your child to read regularly

We are also working to publish the entire school curriculum mapping later in the academic year, alongside specific guidance for students and their parents/carers about what they can do at home to help improve their outcomes.

Lateness to school and lessons

Punctuality to school and lessons is important as it sets the tone for learning. Currently, lateness is logged by teachers when students arrive to sessions and school late. This can be viewed on the Arbor parent portal.

As of Monday 4 December, the following procedure will be in effect:

  • At the end of each day, students will be issued with a level 0 behaviour point each time they are late without a valid note containing a reason from a member of staff. This in itself does not trigger any sanction.
  • Parents/carers will receive an email every time a student has been late three times.

From Monday 11 December, the following will also occur:

  • As well as receiving an email to inform that students have been late three times, an automatic lunchtime detention will be issued for the next school day.

Please support us in encouraging your child to attend school and lessons punctually to engage fully in their learning.

Staff absence and cover lessons

We understand the importance and value of high-quality teaching in the classroom and work hard to ensure that we are fully staffed with subject specialists throughout the academic year. Unfortunately, there will be times when staff absence is unavoidable, often due to temporary or short-term illness. Managing staff absence, as in any organisation, can be a reactive activity, but we are working hard to be proactive where absence may continue for longer than we would ideally like. In these cases we have already and will continue to do the following:

  • Protect examination groups as far as possible by rotating specialist teachers or senior leaders for all of their lessons. This has already happened this year in maths and science.
  • We will ensure that all classes receive specialist input by balancing the loads of subject specialists across all teaching groups. This is often necessary because of the first priority which is protecting the examination groups above.
  • Seeking support from agencies for short-term cover from subject specialists.

There will be occasions of short-term or unavoidable emergency absence where these plans above may not be possible, but we will always make the best decision based on the availability and need daily.

In addition to managing longer term absence as described, we are working hard to manage short-term absence by:

  • Providing additional training and support for supply teachers working with us from teaching agencies.
  • Advertising for and recruiting permanent Manor Staff to work as cover supervisors.

Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 7 December marks Christmas Jumper Day, raising funds for Save the Children.

On this day, students can choose to wear a Christmas jumper should they wish to do so in addition to their normal school uniform. They should bring their blazers to school with them as usual.

A donation bucket will be on each of the school gates in the morning for students to donate £1 in return for wearing their jumper.

All normal uniform rules and guidance applies.

Improving school attendance

Being in school and having the best attendance possible underpins all the many benefits of school for your child, such as their learning, wellbeing and wider development.

For some children, attending school every day will be harder than for others. This is why schools are committed to working together with families to solve problems and support your child’s school attendance.

Please download the following guide from the Department for Education on what you need to do when your child needs to be absent and how schools and local authorities will work with you to support your child’s attendance.

If you would like to speak to a member of the attendance team regarding any attendance concerns, please email attendance@manor.school.

Post-16 education

Northampton College will be visiting the school on Monday 4 December to speak with all Year 9 students about the technical education routes that will be available to them post-16, such as apprenticeships and T-Levels.

If you would like more information on these pathways, we also have information on the careers section of our school website.

Sixth form applications

Applications for the sixth form are now open. Students are encouraged to keep their options open, make informed choices and also apply to our sixth form alongside other applications. Students do not receive an automatic place at the Manor sixth form - they must apply.

The deadline for applications is Friday 12 January 2024. Click here for the application form.

If you have any questions about our sixth form provision, please email ccollier@manor.school.

Christmas card competition

We have launched an exciting student competition to design a festive image to be used for the 2023 Manor School Christmas card. Please see the following image for details of how students can enter the competition.

Christmas hamper appeal

This year's hamper appeal is taking place from Monday 27 November to Wednesday 13 December. We are asking for students to donate items to put towards their tutor group's hamper, with the hampers then being collected by Raunds Foodbank. Please see the following image for suitable items to donate.

We thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.

Click to enlarge

Extra-curricular timetable

Please note that improvisation club will no longer be running on Wednesday lunchtime.

Due to other sporting events taking place, there will be no boys football after school on Monday 4 December or basketball on Tuesday 5 December.

Click to enlarge


Dates for your diary

House points

As of 1 December